Transform yourself into a composting and gardening advocate through our annual training program.
Get Up! is an intensive three-month program that teaches a cohort of aspiring environmental leaders the fundamentals of regenerative gardening and urban agriculture.
September 7th - December 7th, 2024
No class the week of Thanksgiving.
Saturdays 10am - 3pm at Garden for the Environment
Six Thursdays 6:30pm - 8:30pm online + in person TBD
We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024 program.
2025 Get Up! applications will be available at the end of May 2025.
$450-$600 sliding scale
We have several $200 course fee opportunities
Fee includes the book Golden Gate Gardening, a compost bin, and other program supplies.
Skills essential to organic gardening, regenerative landscaping, composting, and urban agriculture.
An understanding of the connections between gardening, social justice, and climate change, particularly as they relate to the Bay Area.
Familiarity with many local urban gardening organizations and the possibility of collaborating with them.
The skills and knowledge needed to complete a gardening-related service project and successfully co-teach a two-hour composting class at GFE following the completion of Get Up! coursework (course requirements).
A supportive community including a network of peers and garden professionals working towards climate resilience.
Graduates of this program have gone on to found, manage, or play a pivotal role at nearly every major urban agriculture site in the Bay Area. Since 1996, Get Up! has transformed over 800 community members into regenerative gardening and compost educators who have gone on to spread their skills and knowledge to diverse communities across the area.
“It feels like the Get Up program, and GFE as a whole, acts as a focal point for environmental leaders around the city. The interconnectedness of the class was incredible to see and experience, and it really helped to get me inspired and feel grounded into the environmental movement that is very alive within SF.”
We connect you with the Bay Area’s urban agriculture leaders and we provide you with the necessary tools to return to your neighborhood and share your new skills with others.
What is the 50-hour project requirement?
After graduation, in the first half of 2025, all students are required to complete a 40-hour service project at GFE or another gardening or environmental organization in San Francisco. We will help students find and connect with projects that fit their interests during the latter part of the Get Up! course. This project requirement is designed to give Get Up! graduates the opportunity to refine their new skills, share them with the community, and connect with local organizations.
10 hours: You are required to co-teach an urban composting class with Get Up! colleagues at GFE in the first half of 2025. The course is two hours long. You should anticipate several hours of preparation with your teaching group as well as time for set-up and breakdown on your teaching day. We will give you all the skills and training necessary to feel prepared to teach this class.
I read something about receiving a compost bin as part of my fee for Get Up! Can you tell me more about this?
You will receive either a three-square-foot backyard composting bin or a worm composting bin (worms not included) at the conclusion of the Get Up! program. This is to encourage you to put the composting skills you learned in Get Up! into action!
What accommodations are available in the garden?
We have a portable toilet, water fountain, water bottle filler, sink, soap, hand sanitizer, and rubbing alcohol. Please note that there is no electricity in the garden.
Why is the class fee a sliding scale?
GFE strives to make our programs accessible and inclusive for all who wish to participate. Thanks to generous sponsorship, we are able to offer the Get Up! program at just a fraction of the cost of actual tuition. With the Bay Area’s massive wealth disparity, we recognize that the course fee may be out of reach for some, while others may be able to pay more. In the effort to create a more equitable program, we ask that you pay the course fee that matches your income level. Fees above $450 cover some of the program costs for another participant who does not share these same financial resources.
When is the class fee due?
Accepted applicants will pay the course fee on first day of class, September 7, 2024. If you are interested in setting up a payment plan or have funds from your employer, please reach out to us.
Additional questions?
Email us at
What kind of experience are you looking for in applicants?
Get Up! is designed for adult beginner gardeners and no prior gardening experience is required. This course is designed to teach the basics of sustainable gardening and composting and give students the tools to take this knowledge back to their communities. We are looking for people interested in sharing their new skills with others.
What is the structure of classes?
Classes in the garden include a lecture covering a certain topic in the morning followed by hands-on stations related to that topic in the afternoon. Evening classes include a combination of lecture, group discussion, break-out groups, and viewings, depending on whether sessions are in-person or online.
Who teaches the course?
This course is taught by an incredible team of garden educators from around the Bay Area. The majority of classes are taught by local garden experts and community members, and GFE staff members teach some of the classes as well.
Are there readings/homework/tests for this course?
Yes. You will have weekly readings and viewings and projects to complete, and there will be a final to help reinforce the concepts you learned in the program.
What supplies do I need for this class?
Gardening sessions: You will need to provide your own gardening gloves and wear pants and durable, closed-toe shoes. All other tools needed for in-person garden sessions will be provided. You should plan to accommodate your personal needs (snacks, clothing layers, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, notebook and pen, water bottle, etc.) and lunch will be a potluck provided by you and your classmates.
Online sessions: You will need a reliable computer with a strong internet connection and a webcam or other video capabilities.
Homework: All students will receive the course book, Golden Gate Gardening. You will have weekly readings from it along with some additional homework sources provided by GFE.
What is the attendance policy?
We know things come up and you may need to miss some classes. We do ask that you miss no more than three classes. If you know you will miss more, we recommend you wait to apply to Get Up! at a time that fits better with your schedule. Additionally, each class covers a separate gardening topic, and the classes build on one another. We cannot offer make-up classes if you do have to miss one.
Bay Area & Beyond
5th Crow Farm Pescadero, CA
Bi-Rite Farm Sonoma, CA
Blue House Farm Pescadero, CA
Brooklyn Grange Brooklyn, NY
Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems
Santa Cruz, CA
Chica Bloom Farm Petaluma, CA
Eco-Farm Soquel, CA
Edible Urban Farm Company Santa Clara, CA
Food Craft Institute Oakland, CA
Fresh Run Farm, Bolinas, CA
Full Belly Farm Guida, CA
The Gardens at Lake Merritt Oakland, CA
Grass + Grit Farm New Paltz, NY
Joaquin Miller Park Oakland, CA
LILA Oasis Los Angeles, CA
Mala'ai School Garden Waimea, HI
Mariposa Gardening + Design Oakland, CA
Nueva School Garden Hillsborough, CA
Opa's Garden Santa Rosa, CA
Petaluma Bounty Petaluma, CA
Pie Ranch Pescadero, CA
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Providence, RI
Seattle Tilth Seattle, WA
Slide Ranch Muir Beach, CA
Slow Food USA Brooklyn, NY
Sonoma Garden Park Sonoma, CA
Steadfast Herbs Pescadero, CA
Sustainable Landscapes LA Los Angeles, CA
Urban Adamah Berkeley, CA
VEGGI Farmer’s Cooperative New Orleans, LA
Veggielution San Jose, CA
Vibrant Valley Farm Sauvie Island, OR
San Francisco
18 Reasons
18th & Rhode Island Garden
The Academy of Sciences
Alemany Farm
Bramble and Vine
Carey Craddock Gardens
Cathedral School for Boys Garden
College Hill Learning Garden
Community Grows
Education Outside
Free Farm Stand
Friends of the Urban Forest (FUF)
The Garden at AT&T Park
The Gardens of Golden Gate Park
Graze the Roof at Glide Memorial
Growing Home Garden
Little City Gardens
Mission High School Green Pathway
Mission Pie
Natural Areas Program
Nature Bridge
Nature in the City
NOPA 'Full Circle Program'
Our Water Our World
Playland at 43rd Avenue
Presidio Community Gardens
Produce to the People
San Francisco Beekeepers Association
San Francisco Parks Alliance
San Francisco Seed Library
San Francisco Urban Agriculture Alliance
School gardens across San Francisco
SF Department of Public Health
SF Edible Schoolyard
SF Permaculture Guild
SF Public Works
SF Landscapes
SF Public Utilities Commission
SFPUC Stormwater Program
Sister Moon Medicine
Sisterhood Gardens
Small Spot Gardens
Sutro Stewards
Urban Sprouts
Victory Gardens 2007+
White Crane Springs Community Garden
Priority is given to San Francisco City and County residents.