Digital Gardening
When the global pandemic closes our garden, we find a way to keep teaching and sharing…
Dear Gardeners,
If you’re just reaching us, Garden for the Environment (GFE) is 1/2-acre public teaching garden located San Francisco. We inspire San Franciscans to create and steward climate-resilient green spaces. We do this by offering affordable and accessible educational programs surrounding sustainable gardening, training environmental advocates to bring this knowledge back to their communities. Like everyone, we have been hit hard by the COVID-19 lockdown here in the city, and are unable to offer any garden programming for the foreseeable future.
Because we cannot be in (physical) community with you in the garden right now, we are creating a resource for all of the gardeners (and future gardeners!) out there to use during this very uncertain time. One of the few things we CAN do right now is be outside, getting our hands in the soil, and tending to the land. NOW is the time for you to get your own garden started - maybe you already have one and are now finding the time to work on it, maybe you’ve got some containers on a balcony, or maybe you’ve only dreamed of growing your own food. Whatever the case, we want to share our wealth of knowledge with you and harness our community’s energy around sustainable gardening, digitally!
We will use this site as a platform for:
Garden education - things like informational videos, readings/articles/tools for youth and adult learning
Crowdsourcing and sharing - seeing YOUR photos, what you are up to in your own gardens and at GFE
Local learning - Ideas to implement and tools to use at GFE and the Bay area during these weeks. We want you to be going to GFE and learning from the garden!
Please comment below on what you’d like to see on this site!
We can’t wait to hear from you!