Activity: Flower Pounding
/This is a simple nature art activity that makes an impression of found leaves and flowers on paper. Great for kids and adults alike!
geranium flowers pounded into paper
Paper (anything thicker than regular printer paper - slightly textured works well too)
Painter’s tape or masking tape
Flowers and leaves
Step 1: Cut your paper to the size you want your finished product to be. I wanted to make a bookmark, so I cut a long strip. Then, rip a piece of the tape about the length of your paper and hold it sticky side UP.
Step 2: Step outside and find materials to place on the sticky side of your tape. Flowers and leaves will work well, but it’s hard to know exactly how they will turn out, so experimentation is key! Make sure you stick them on so that the more colorful part is facing out.
I chose lavender, purple potato flwoer, and geranium - all things growing in my backyard. If you don’t have anything, stroll around the neighborhood - you’re sure to find something flowering!
Step 3: Lay the tape sticky side down on top of your paper and smooth it out so it is sticking well. Then, use the hammer to gently pound the flowers into the paper, making sure you cover all of the plants.
Step 4: Gently peel away the tape from the paper. The “ink” from the flowers should remain on the paper.
Step 5: Decorate! Punch a hole at the top and tie string through it for a bookmark and add more color. Maybe pop it in the mail to send to loved ones as a special social distancing gift!
My finished flower pounded bookmark.
Happy flower pounding!