GFE Digital Field Trip
/With youth field trips cancelled early on in March due to COVID-19, we knew we needed to pivot our programming to reach the students who were scheduled to come on a field trip to GFE this spring and continue environmental education. We created a Digital Field Trip of the garden, taking viewers on an interactive tour of the garden with ‘stops’ at several of our most important sites.
Here’s a sneak preview! Visit this link to see the entire field trip (note: Internet Explorer will likely provide issues with viewing, Google Chrome provides the best experience).
In collaboration with the San Francisco Department of the Environment, we have since reached many of the 3rd - 5th grade students who were scheduled to visit the garden, as well as many other students and teachers in the area that are part of our larger network. The Digital Field Trip has been viewed over 350 times in the last two months, and we hope to continue distributing it to reach an even wider audience as programming continues to shift online.
Please share with your networks, and happy learning!